Council Finance
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2023/24:
- Annual Governance Statement
- Closure Letter
- Explanation of Variances
- End of Year Bank Reconciliation
- Notice of the Period for the Exercise of Public Rights
- External Auditor Report and Certificate
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2022/23:
Annual Governance and Accountability Return 2021/22:
Transparency Documents 2021/22:
Transparency Documents 2020/21:
Transparency Documents 2019/20:
Annual Governance & Accountability Return and Transparency Documents for Year ending 31st March 2019:
Annual Governance & Accountability Return and Transparency Documents for Year ending 31st March 2018:
Annual Return and Transparency Documents for Years up to and including 2016/17:
Bank Reconciliations:
Explanation of Significant Variances:
Annual Expenditure:
Fixed Asset Register:
Asset Register - public land and buildings:
Annual Council Budget: