Council FAQs

Manningtree Town Council

  • Where/when does the council meet?. The council meets at the Methodist Church, South Street, Manningtree, CO11 2HP, usually on the 3rd Thursday of the month. Meetings usually commence at 7:30 p.m. and last approximately 1.5 to 2 hours. Meeting dates for each calendar year are displayed on both noticeboards and on our website. Please click here to see a map of the location.
  • Can I come to council meetings?. All members of the public are welcome to attend council meetings, including those of the Finance Committee and Personnel Committee. The agendas of full council meetings always include a Public Participation session at which members of the public are welcome to ask questions or air their views.
  • Are there vacancies on the Council?. There are currently one vacancy on the council. Please e-mail the clerk to express your interest.
  • How do I report a light out?. Responsibility for the street lights in Manningtree is split between Essex County Council and Manningtree Town Council. The best course of action is to report any outages to the clerk and she will arrange for them to be repaired.
  • How do I report a litter bin issue? Report any issues regarding litter bins to the clerk. You can do this here
  • Who maintains the beach?. The beach is owned by The Crown Estate but it is maintained by Manningtree Town Council.
  • When are the tides in/out on the beach? For details of tides please visit the Stour Sailing Club's website here:
  • Where are the noticeboards?. The council has two noticeboards. One in Manningtree High Street, outside the sorting office, next to the library. The other is inside the entrance way to Fiveways Co-op supermarket in Riverside Avenue East. Please click here to see a map of the locations.
  • What services does MTC offer?. Manningtree Town Council exists to serve the residents of Manningtree. If you want to raise any local issues you can either attend a council meeting, at which there is always a Public Participation session where members of the public can speak, or contact the clerk, the Mayor or one of the other councillors. They will all be happy to help or refer you to someone who can.
  • How do I complain about something to the council?. In the first instance contact either the clerk, the Mayor or one of the other councillors. They will all be pleased to help.
  • Upon what is the council spending my rates?. Please take a look at our council finance page where you can find information on council expenditure.
  • Who is responsible for gritting the roads when covered in snow / ice? Essex County Council is responsible for gritting the main carriageways and footways in Essex. Each year ECC provides Manningtree Town Council with salt which is available for collection and use by Manningtree residents. If you would like to collect any salt from the council please contact the clerk on 07799 623529 who can arrange for you to collect from Jewson or Rose Builders where the council's salt is stored.

Tendring District Council

Please visit Tendring District Council's website for more information on the services they offer:

What day is the refuse collected?
The collection day for Manningtree is Tuesday. For more information telephone 01255 431620 or visit

How do I report an issue with the pond?
The pond is maintained by Tendring District Council who can be contacted on 01255 686868. Tendring District Council regularly give the pond an algae treatment to stop the growth of algae etc. The treatment can be blue or green and the colour can stay quite vivid for a while. It is completely harmless to the fish.

Are there public conveniences in Manningtree?
Yes, these are located at Market Place and they can be seen on this map, marked "WC". They are maintained by Tendring District Council.

Essex County Council

Please visit Essex County Council's website for more information on the services they offer:

Highways Issues:
Essex County Council's Highways Department is responsible for repairing road and pavement defects.

Potholes or other road/pavement problems can be reported directly online at Essex Highways "Report A Problem", or, alternatively by telephoning 0845 6037631.

The following defects/problems can be reported: Bollards and railings, bus shelter/stop damage, damage to grass verges, damaged or incorrect signs, drainage problems, kerb defects, pavement defects, potholes, public rights of way (countryside), road lining/marking defects, snow and ice problems, street lighting defects and vegetation problems.

The recycling centre for household waste is located in Greensmill (off Riverside Avenue West), Lawford, CO11 1UW. Opening times vary according to the time of year. The centre is run by Essex County Council.

Manningtree's library is situated in Manningtree High Street, opposite Market Cross. For opening times and other enquiries email or Tel. 0845 603 7628.

Bus Services:
Bus service nos. 2, SB62, 92, 102, 103, 104, and 745 pass through Manningtree. Visit Essex County Council's website here for details of routes: